

BLENDING Q is a group of artists from Cologne who are counterintuitively connected through their shared interest in issues of sex, gender, body, (re-)presentation and performance. They are organized in a nomadic way and regularly create sensually vibrant evenings in different places.

With Konrad Bohley, Almut Elhardt, Florian Egermann, Hend Elbalouty, Stephan Ganoff, Felipe González, Theresa Samimizad, Evamaria Schaller, Reut Shemesh, Niklas Strang and Janina Warnk.

IDYLL Art space in Cologne, Germany.

Blending-Q was curated by Evamaria Schaller as a joint performance with Julia Scher’s Exhibition “High security society offered” in MUSEUM ABTEIBERG as part of Ensemblia 2023, Mönchengladbach, Germany.

photography by Almut Alhardt


How did I end up in this place?بعيد عن العين، بعيد عن القلب